State Level Consultation – Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
In the State Level Consultation at Mandi, Himachal Pradesh there were discussions on the overview of mining throughout the country, various stages of mining, illegal mining, Samata Judgement, situation of children in the mining areas and consequences on their education, health due to air and water pollution, malnutrition issues etc., and the need for lobbying at National Level regarding Child Rights as they are being violated. There were discussions on the situation of children in mining areas as it has three aspects to it. Firstly, children (Child Labour) engaged in the hazardous industry. Secondly, those children who are not working in the mines but are living there and thirdly parents of the children who work in the mines. In all these aspects, the rights of the child get undermined.
In Himachal Pradesh, there were also discussions on Mining Rules & Law Amendments, DMF Structure, Set up & present status, Cooperative mining – shareholding for the tribals, Silicosis, lack of implementation of FRA, Labour Act, Displacement, Communities command over natural resources, MGNREGA, Hydropower energy, RTE. With regard to illegal mining cases throughout the country, Himachal Pradesh stands 7th.