District Mineral Foundations (DMF) must prioritise investments for mining-affected people through proper planning and engaging with Gram Sabhas
District Mineral Foundations (DMF) and the associated Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kheshtra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) scheme, are not being implemented in its true spirit in Chhattisgarh, points out the only independent assessment of DMF and PMKKKY scheme as done by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), a New Delhi based non-profit policy think tank and public interest research institute.
People First: District Mineral Foundation (DMF) Status Report, 2018 – as the report is called — is an in depth assessment of DMFs across the country as it enters its fourth year. The report covers 12 states in India, and closely studies the DMF administration and investments in 13 districts in the top five states, including Chhattisgarh. Read more
Courtesy: CSE