mines, minerals & PEOPLE

mm&P (mines, minerals & PEOPLE) is a growing alliance of individuals, institutions and communities who are concerned and affected by mining. The isolated struggles of different groups have led us to form into broad a national alliance for combating the destructive nature of mining.

VIth General Assembly


The VIth General Assembly of the mm&P, organized from 13th May to 15th May 2017 at Kotagiri in Tamil Nadu, witnessed the participation of about 236 volunteers, coming from dozens of struggle groups representing 17 states across the country. People from various paths of life, from activist, journalist, lawyer, environmentalist, expert, student, farmer and women, to former deputy-director of Geological Survey of India KV Krishnamurthy, Rajasthan’s “water man” Rajendra Singh, as guest speaker, participated in the meet. They shared their experiences and expressed concern on issues of community rights over natural resources.

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