District Level Consultation – Churulia, West Bengal
In the District Level Consultation held at Churulia, West Bengal there were discussions on Rampal Thermal Power Plant, Illegal Coal Mining in Asansol, PESA, Samata Judgement, Cooperative Mining, Implementation and importance of District Mineral Foundation, Status of Tribals, Future Generation Fund, Situation of children in the mining areas and consequences on their education, health due to air and water pollution, malnutrition issues, Women and Mining. It was also said that the mining leases to the companies should be given rationally following all the rules and regulations. There were also discussions on how to address the violation of child rights, migration and trafficking issues among children.
A short documentary film “Falling through the cracks – Children and Mining” was screened and followed by a detailed session on the plight of children in mining areas. A Participatory approach was followed in sensitizing the people on the violation of child rights in the context of Children in mining areas.