‘District Mineral Foundation funds being used for infrastructure’

Mines, Minerals and People (MM&P), and other organisations, will meet members of Parliament in New Delhi on July 26 to prevail upon them to pressure the government on the establishing of Future Generation Funds in all States for the welfare of the children, curbing of illegal mining, the proper utilisation of funds collected under District Mineral Foundation, and ensuring that mining leases are given only after the prior approval of the gram sabhas. Read more

Float policy, hand over India’s mining wealth to locals with right to inheritance: Representation to President, PM

A high-level meeting of India’s top advocacy group, mines, minerals and People (mm&P), has decided to represent to President Pranab Kumar Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi to implement the concept of “intergenerational equity” to make sure that the next generations are equal shareholders of the natural resources.
The controversial concept, which is directed against corporate houses and other business interests seeking to mine away the natural wealth, has been coined by Goa Foundation, a Goa-based voluntary organization. The concept states, those who depend on natural resources alone are their rightful owners.Read more

The Goenchi Mati – Permanent fund

Each Goan lost Rs. 2,45,000 due to illegal mining between 2007 and 2012.
Of the iron ore left unmined, each Goan household remains the rightful owner of ore worth more than Rs. 61 lakh.
Only a Permanent Fund will safeguard this enormous wealth and ensure it is used in the best possible way for Goa’s citizens and its future generations.

This brochure attempts to explain the main features of the proposal sent by the Goa Foundation to the Chief Minister of Goa on 15 May, 2014. Read more

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