India’s mining-based development: Economic prosperity hasn’t percolated to local people

A joint delegation of civil rights organizations, Samata and mines, minerals & People (mm&P) led by mm&P chairperson Rebbapragada Ravi and general secretary Ashok Shrimali met MPs of several political parties and minister of state of state for coal and mines Haribhai Chaudhary to apprise them of issues faced by the people in the mining areas. Text of the memorandum submitted by them:

India currently produces 89 minerals out of which four are fuel minerals, 11 metallic, 52 non- metallic and 22 minor minerals. Mining for fuel, metallic and non-metallic industrial minerals is currently undertaken in almost half of India’s districts. Post-Independence, mining has been considered as one of the main industries that generate high revenues considering that India is significantly endowed with mineral resources. In our country mining based development is considered to be directly proportional to economic prosperity at all levels — be it national or local. But that has not been the case! Read more


Assembly resolution on mining against SC order: Panel to MPs

Panaji: A delegation of Mines, Minerals and People met MPs across party lines in New Delhi and explained how the private member resolution passed in the Goa assembly will handover mining leases to the same leaseholders, who had carried out illegal mining till the Supreme court intervened.

The body is an alliance of organisations, groups and individuals which has a network in 26 states. Delegation member Ravindra Velip said the delegation explained how the proposed amendments will bypass Supreme Court’s two judgments and only benefit the miners, who carried out illegal mining.

The Goa assembly unanimously passed resolution on August 3 to restart mining activities, which came to an halt on March 15.

Ravindra Velip, member of MM&P said the delegation made the MPs aware about resolution passed in the Goa assembly to amend mining laws so that the earlier leaseholders, who were stopped from carrying out illegal mining, get to continue mining.

He said the delegation explained how the proposed amendments will bypass Supreme Court judgments and only benefit companies who carried out illegal mining. “The MPs were briefed on how a people-oriented policy can lead to sustainable mining. We requested the MPs to raise a demand in Parliament that revenue lost due to illegal mining in Goa be recovered from the leaseholders,” he said.

Courtesy: The Times of India

mm&P delegation calls on Narendra Sawaikar, discusses mining issue

mm&P delegation calls on Narendra Sawaikar, discusses mining issue

Panaji, Aug 10 (UNI) A delegation of Mines, Minerals and People (MM&P) met Member of Parliament from South Goa Narendra Sawaikar in his office at New Delhi on Friday and discussed mining issue.

Panaji, Aug 10 (UNI) A delegation of Mines, Minerals and People (MM&P) met Member of Parliament from South Goa Narendra Sawaikar in his office at New Delhi on Friday and discussed mining issue.

According to a statement here, the delegation was led by Ravi Rabbpragada (Chairman) from Andhra Pradesh, Ashok Sirmali (Secretary General) from Gujarat, Ravindra Velip (Executive Council Member for Goa State) and other Executive Council members from Odisha, Zharkhand, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh.

MM&P has a nation wide network across over 26 states and is an alliance of organisations, groups and individuals. It has effective presence in all the Scheduled V areas as well as in the non-schedules areas.

MM&P discussed with Mr Sawaikar regarding commencement of sustainable and legal mining in Goa which could done by forming a people oriented mining policy.

Chairman Ravi Rebbapragada explained him how the illegal mining was taking place all across India. Other members too shared their experiences.

Ravindra Velip then discussed about the legal hurdles that may be faced if the central government amends the MMDR Act, 1957 and The Goa, Daman and Diu, Abolition of Mining Concessions and Declaration of Mining leases Act, 1987.

Mr Velip then suggested him to undertake a comprehensive study of all the mining affected regions affected by mining before deciding on the Goa Mining Policy.

Courtesy: UNI

…तो एंटी क्लॉक चलने वाली घड़ियों से दूर होंगी दुनिया की समस्याएं!

आदिवासियों के मुताबिक जब तक दुनिया उनकी एंटी क्लॉक चलने वाली घड़ी नहीं अपनाएगी, दुनिया की समस्याएं दूर नहीं होंगी.

आपके घर या दफ्तर में जो घड़ी टंगी है, वो गलत है. आप की कलाई पर जो घड़ी बंधी है, वो गलत है. अब तक आप जिन घड़ियों को सही मानकर वक्त देखा करते थे, वो सब गलत हैं. ये दावा उस आदिवासी समुदाय ने किया है, जिन्होंने सालों पहले हमारी घड़ी को देखना बंद कर दिया है. उन्होंने घड़ी को उल्टा देखना शुरू कर दिया है, और उनकी माने तो उल्टी घड़ी से ही दुनिया का मंगल हो सकता है. Read more

Courtesy: News18 Hindi

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