National campaign against the fifth schedule amendment

This Fifth Schedule is under threat of being amended to effect transfer of tribal lands to non-tribals and corporate bodies....


The following documents and press reports present the evidence of the threat to the Fifth Schedule. Most of these documents have been linked to in earlier pages of this site.

The Samata Judgement
Supreme Court order summarily dismissing government appeals to dilute earlier order. 
The Secret Note from the Ministry plotting to Amend the Fifth Schedule
Indian Express article exposing the Secret Note.
Action alert by a NGO exposing the Government designs

The President's concern expressed in his Republic Day address
Planning Commission Plots to push the Amendment
The Hindu article discussing the contempt by the governments 
We will be adding more press clippings and documents. 

Is the Samata Judgement really dangerous and against the Nations Economy?

Who stands to really gain from the desperate moves by the government?